Number #
Universal #
Definition from de UD website Number is usually an inflectional feature of nouns and, depending on language, other parts of speech ( pronouns, adjectives, determiners, numerals, verbs) that mark agreement with nouns.
In languages where noun phrases are pluralized using a specific function word (pluralizer), this function word is tagged DET and Number=Plur
is its lexical feature.
It can have severals values and layered features.
Value #
Coll, Count, Dual, Grpa, Grpl, Inv, Paux, Plur, Ptang, Sing, Tri.
Number features in Treebanks #
Values of Number in treebanks #
french #
Overview #
Several upos can have the Number
features in French, with the two values ̀Sing
or ̀Plur
Specific Pattern #
Features Number for ADV #
Certains ADV sont annotés avec le trait Number dans PS mais pas dans GSD. Problème de cohérence d’annotation -> je ne sais pas quoi écrire encore ici. Dans tous les cas, ici, on peut mettre un lien vers l’upos ADV ?
Upos without Number #
But, sometimes these upos don’t have the features Number.
On peut y inclure ce genre de requête par exemple :
french #
Overview #
Specific Pattern #
haitien #